How to Grow Cucumbers In Hydroponics

How to Grow Cucumbers In Hydroponics - Cucumber or there is also a call cucumber, cucumbers and some even call it just is kind of vegetable plants are necessarily always needed in the kitchen. Well after post about How to Grow Sawi In Hidroponic, then on this occasion will share about How to Grow Cucumber By Hydroponics.
You can plant cucumbers hydroponic system uses the alias memberbagi provide the necessary nutrients the plants in the form of a solution with the tutorial splashed, dripped, poured alias growing medium sprayed on cucumber plants. Hydroponic cultivation of cucumbers can be alternatid for you who do not have a large area. And by using this system you can get not a few benefits.
For sources of cucumber seedlings originating from cucumber seeds sown then required beforehand. Generally, plant seeds can be planted relatively greater direct way on the container that had been prepared, but the seeds of cucumbers this will have a small size, the required sowing done first before transplanting.
That must be considered from the use of sources of planting materials from seed is a seed requires that any special needs are not the same. These seeds can be germinated in germination tub alias other containers.
Done before transplanting, need done for the preparation of the planting medium, ie by entering into poly bag planting medium. First prepare a container for planting are adapted to the size of cucumber plants that will be cultivated. Charging should be done near the planting site in the green house so that the sterility of the media is still awake.

Early signs of cucumber seedlings can be moved to cultivate the already visible 2 leaves the institution in which the seeds are already fully developed. Do not hold the seeds of cucumber on the stem, because the stem was very fragile even if done with care can still ruin it by means fatal. Also not justified in holding on akarnya.Apabila plant seedlings at first we make a seed advance on soil media, then before planting the first hydroponic systems the roots are cleaned of soil and dirt.
Watering is done by means of continuous, with the indicator when the growing medium is held by the hand feels kering.Meida hydroponic planting is watering the plants do not dry so until late. Watering is done with handsprayer, gembor / emprat alias dipper. Watering way for small-capacity seed passable with handsprayer 4-5 times a day to keep the moisture in the media. For large-capacity seed used gembor / emprat fine slotted alias tree sprayer. Watering is done with little hype done at 5-6 times a day and added to the aqueous solution of nutrients.

Watering can be done with Sprinkle Irrigation System and Drip Irrigation System, namely spray and drip watering system .Sumber energy comes from the pump.
Pruning is done to get rid of unwanted branches, shoots, aka branches exposed to disease. Pruning is done to increase the growth and production of tomatoes recento tanaman.Misal on only one rod absolute maintained for production. Plants already in planting container while 7 days requires a crutch in order to stand upright so the plants can grow neat and orderly. The cantilever diberbagi with tutorial tying with rope plants (flax yarn).
Spacing flowers fruit growing need done so equally large. But the research results on cucumber flower thinning Gherkin not show results that is not the same as the treatment without thinning flowers. Pest and disease control can be done either manually or with pesticides.
When giving nutrients in cucumber plants, the pH also need to note the pH is too low alias too high can inhibit the growth and concentration tanaman.Jumlah added fertilizer is influenced by the type and stage of plant growth. Nutrient concentrations that are too high will have an impact on the destruction of plant roots.


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